RC28 Travel Awards

The RC28 Spring Meeting 2024 is currently accepting applications for the RC28 Travel Awards. The awards assist students and members in financial need by subsidizing their travel to the conference in order to present their work. The travel awards are given in recognition of good scholarship in the field of stratification.

The applicant’s abstract must be accepted by the conference organizers in order to be considered. Awards will not exceed $1200, and are only given to the same person once in a four-year period.

Application Process:

To apply, please submit the following materials to both the conference organizers (shanghai.rc28@nyu.edu) and the Secretary/Treasurer of the RC28 (rc28.emails2023@gmail.com):

(a) the paper to be presented

(b) an itemized budget

(c) one brief letter of recommendation

Application Deadline: 

February 15, 2024

To be eligible, applicants must confirm their student status or demonstrate their financial need in the letter of recommendation. Students whose papers are co-authored with non-students are welcome to apply.

Recipients will be informed by March 01, 2024. Awardees will be announced at the conference dinner. Please contact shanghai.rc28@nyu.edu with questions.